
Macbook pro no audio devices
Macbook pro no audio devices

If anyone is still interested I have found the solution for audio on MacBook Pro 2011 Windows 10 UEFI installs - it has taken me 4 years to figure out. The link will give you some screenshots for reference but below is a copy of the text of the answer. It took some figuring out, and I am so glad that I persevered!I solved it with this post on the Apple Stack Exchange site. Next time - I'll make sure to ask the wife to stay off Netflix during the livestream, as I had a couple of broadcast interruptions when I saw the bitrate get really low. I used this setup on my Facebook Live stream last night and streamed for 1.5 hours and it looked and sounded great! I can monitor this in OBS if I want (at least to hear it - it's gonna have latency), but I don't bother with that - I just monitor out of Logic Pro as I would in a normal situation. That way I get all of my audio into OBS, and can see the levels on the meter. Then in OBS I have my Audio Input Capture device set to Soundflower. In the "Main Output" I have Soundflower set. In LadioCast in "Input 1" I have set channel 1 and 2 of the RME UFX (the main outputs) In this situation, I'm using my RME Fireface UFX in LogicPro as my input and output device. This is a virtual mixer that allows you to pipe audio from a physical device to other outputs. There is a free app (available in the Mac App store) called LadioCast.

macbook pro no audio devices

Thought I'd list it here in case anyone needs assistance getting sound from their DAW (say Logic Pro) into OBS, but still wants to be able to play along/monitor with zero latency However - I figured out a great solution for my needs. I did some experimenting with an Aggregate Device as suggested, but couldn't figure it out well enough by my livestream yesterday. Thanks for any help that you may be able to give!

macbook pro no audio devices

Sorry - this part of OBS has made me feel really stupid (haha) as I've never dealt with it before, but I've been running my own studio for a very long time. How do I use the "aggregate device" to monitor? What program should I be using to do the audio monitoring? I've got any audio going into Logic Pro (which is what I'm using for my audio) going into the Fireface, but outputting to Soundflower, so that it can be heard by OBS. I've created an aggregate device, and ticked both the Soundflower 2CH and RME Fireface UFX

macbook pro no audio devices

I've had a look at creating an aggregate device in Audio MIDI setup, but can't figure out how these works in terms of monitoring yet. I can get all of my audio into OBS, and am now able to see it all on the mixer meters (in OBS), but I'd like to be able to play along and the latency makes it impossible. I am having a similar issue with OBS, an external USB audio interface (RME Fireface UFX) and Soundflower.

Macbook pro no audio devices